Oral Cancer Screening
At Simply Dental of Stamford, we understand the importance of comprehensive oral exams. During every hygiene visit, we meticulously examine all the tissues of your mouth, including gums, cheeks, lips, tongue, and jaw. Regular soft tissue screenings are as crucial as professional dental cleanings for maintaining your overall health.
Understanding the Risks: Oral cancer can affect anyone, but tobacco users are at a significantly increased risk. Chewing tobacco, for example, contains around 3,000 chemicals, some of which are also found in pesticides and embalming fluid. These substances can cause cellular changes that may not be detectable until they have progressed to a critical stage.
Importance of Early Detection: Early detection of oral cancer greatly enhances the likelihood of successful treatment. The American Cancer Society notes that while 30,000 cases of oral cancer are diagnosed annually, about 7,000 result in fatalities. Should we notice any unusual changes in your mouth’s tissues, we might recommend further evaluation, such as a biopsy and analysis by a specialized lab.
Evaluating Non-Cancerous Changes: In addition to cancerous changes, various benign conditions, from oral warts to autoimmune lesions, can also affect your mouth's tissues. Our doctors, with their expertise in oral pathology, are skilled in identifying and assessing any abnormalities, determining whether they require monitoring or removal.
Support for Quitting Tobacco: We recognize the challenges of overcoming tobacco addiction and are committed to supporting our patients in their cessation efforts. If you are ready to quit, speak with your hygienist or our doctors about the resources and strategies available to help you break free from tobacco.